Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) and the MMIW Family Advisors organize a National Week of Action in May of every year to call the nation and the world to action in honor of missing and murdered Indigenous women. No more stolen sisters!! May 5th is the official MMIW Day which honors those who are lost and those who have passed across the US and Canada. Every year, there are marches, protests, bike rides, fundraisers, and more to raise awareness for the MMIW cause and fight against the injustice that’s happening to Indigenous women and their families every day.
is the median age of the victims

is the median age of the victims Victims of sex trafficking are identified as indigenous women
of Indigenous Women who experience violence in their lifetime

The REDress Project

The REDress Project was started in Canada by Metis Curator Jamie Black. It is because of the efforts of Indigenous. It is because of the efforts of Indigenous Women and their families that this crisis is gaining awareness. Women are finding innovative ways to use their voices on this issue and the affect is profound. It is also a day to recognize the ongoing crisis by spreading awareness.

Brandi is a Sponsor Volunteer, Donor and Coordinator for The REDress Project Exhibit/ MMIW Awareness Week. She continues to raise awareness through public art installations, photography and art.
As the 1st ever as Curator/Donor to Watertown Public Schools through IAIS accredited educators- providing outreach programs, field trips and hands-on interactive education of Native Americans- history, culture and traditions.

Maddyx, has created original, graphic artwork that will soon debut on one of a kind BThunder apparel and accessories. A portion of the proceeds, that debut in May of 2023, created to raise awareness of the epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls will be donated.
Maddyx decided to create a Native woman as a beautiful angel to remember those whose lives were taken.
Community Outreach
Brandi has played an integral role as the guest speaker for the 1st ever Native American Educational Event for Children and Families with Autism as well as local residents from the American Legion Post in Watertown. Brandi is a top sponsor for the IAIS and raised over $3,000 in just 72 hours.